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2022资阳教师编公开招聘考试面试时间出了吗资阳公招考试网提供,更多关于资阳公务员、事业单位、教师银行、国企招聘考试的内容,请关注资阳华图教育如有疑问请加【资阳考试交流群汇总】 ,更多资讯请关注四川华图微信公众号(schuatu),资阳公招培训咨询微信客服:点击查看,微博:@四川华图

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请根据人民教育出版社义务教育教科书《英语(三年级起点)》Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Let’s Spell部分内容,按要求完成下列教学设计任务。



I. Teaching Aims

Knowledge aims:

Students can master the pronunciation of “i”. And they can know the pronunciation rules.

Ability aims:

They can pronounce the words with “i” correctly and can use the pronunciation rules to read words with “i”.

Emotional aims:

Students can be eager to speak English in class, and they could improve their interest and confidence in learning English.


The teacher will ask them to listen to tape and read the words after the tape. Then ask students to find out something in common among these words, and if there are any problems, I will help him correct. Then the teacher will invite some students to share their answers with us.

Then the teacher will summarize the pronunciation rules and let them know that in these words, “i” is pronounced as vowel [?]. After that the teacher will let students read these words one by one loudly.


(1) the teacher will ask students to finish the exercise “listen and write” on the book .

(2) Students should do a brainstorm. They have 5 minutes to work in groups of 4 and write down the words they know which include “i”. After finishing, the teacher will invite some groups to read the words they write. And we will check their answers together.




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